It always come as a slap in the face every time I realize that people don't always think the same way like I do. And that is funny, isn't it? I should've always known that that is the case. That is not new. But still. The fact that we're always expecting people around us to think, assume, and perceive things the same way as we do is dangerously wrong. And life always has its own ways to make us forget that.
Things would be so much different, if not better, if we can truly understand things from other's perspective. If I can see the world through your eyes, hear music through your ears, feel love through your heart. If I can be you and see me the way you see me. That's the only way we know we're experiencing the same thing. The only way we know we're not promising something we cannot give. The only way we can truly trust anyone other than ourselves.
If only there's a way to find out.
GEN! recently just had the same thoughts! bahkan udh nulis some similar idea tinggal ngepost juga! :")