27 June 2013

simple yet hard to answer :

who are you? what do you wanna be?
what are your goals in life?
describe yourself as a person.


21 June 2013

don't hope, it's a trap.

...there can be no true despair without hope. 

bane, the dark knight rises.

06 June 2013


bagaimana bisa minta tolong ketika tidak bisa bicara?

susah memang keluar dari tempurung kepala yang terlalu ramai.

about okay.

something is wrong.

it's just not okay, and i want it to be okay but i don't know what's not okay really.
so trying to be okay is probably the closest thing i know for some kind of closure.

yang lalu dan yang akan datang

kakak pernah bilang

"jangan dipendam nanti meledak."
rasanya aku mengerti.